On Building Websites:

You will have noticed that there are a fair few sites of mine, on the "my Sites" page. Actually, there are a lot more of them. If you want to see the full list, then go to DiamondSky. It's a shocking list, made even more shocking by the fact that I used to own a lot more. Sometimes I buy a domain: on a whim, from the Namecheap marketplace (second hand domains!), or I want to try a different domain extension. I let some of them drop, if they failed to inspire me, but replace them with more, and so it goes on.

My biggest problem is about what to put in them. I kept copies of most of my old websites, back in the first Web 1 days. I manage to incorporate them in one site or another. I come up with an idea of something I'd quite like to do, or write. But then....which website do I put it in? My first site, Serennau? Or it's companion sites, Eunice's Realm and Peroriaeth. Or one of the others. At the back of my mind I'm pretty sure that only a tiny number of them are ever looked at. I know that I'm creating new websets and building sites only for me to read, no one signs the guestbooks. And sometimes the traitorous thought comes; what's the point?

Most women my age who built websites in the 1980's/1990's have given up, let their domains drop, and gone off to Facebook and the like. I've grown to hate Facebook, for it's invasive ads, and it's habit of suddenly scrolling the page while I'm in the middle of reading, and then I lose track of the post I was looking at. I'd rather visit an honest website. So, I keep on creating websets and building websites that no one else will read. Because I like them. And that's really the best reason of all.