- I'm over 60, married, with a grown up daughter.
- I love cats.
- I also love hens.
- I have over 300 penfriends in lots of different countries.
- I don't want to know how many domains I own as I'd faint!
- I have diabetes type 2, arthritis, clicnical depression, Meniere's disease, hard-of-hearing and the beginnings of macular degeneration.
- On average, I read over 200 books a year.
- I have walked the Promendade in Aberystwyth with five other ladies, every week for over 10 years.
- Pronouns she/her.
- Birthday: Ostara, or the spring equinox.
- Religion: I'm a Pagan. My patron Goddess is Epona.
- Favourite colours: purple, pink, blue, and green. All pastel shades.
- I collect business cards, pin badges, and old photos from Victorian to the 1950's.